Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

#23 Social Function

Selamat malam, Teman.. :D
Waah, udah 2 minggu nih liburan pasca UN, jadi 'agak' kangen nih ma sekolah (agak lho ya). Ya, untuk mengobati rasa kangen itu, aku coba buka-buka folder tugas sekolah. Eh, ketemu folder Bahasa Inggris. Kalau ingat Bahasa Inggris itu, jadi ingeeeet.... Eeehm, guruku, namanya Bu Endang. Serba deg-deg'an deh. Tapi, berkat beliau lah, tertanam mental yang tangguh untuk menghadapi masa depan. Setiap mendapat tugas, harus dikerjakan dengan sungguh-sungguh. Oke, skip. Nih, contoh tugas dari beliau yang sudah aku kerjakan. 
Tugasnya adalah tugas kelompok, menjelaskan dan membuktikan suatu teks menurut genre yang di dapat. Nah, di setiap kelompok ada yang bertugas sebagai untuk menjelaskan tentang social function, generic structure, lexicogrammatical, vocabulary, question and answer, dan retelling. Nah, karena aku dapat bagian social function , aku beri itu aja ya. Monggo.. :)
Social Function
Good morning audience.
Thank you for giving me time to stand up in front of you all. Well guys, are you ready to discuss the genre of this text with me?
Okey. According to my group, thee genre of this text is review text, and my duty here is discuss about the social function. So, all of you please pay attention.
Audience, let’s read the definition of social function review. We can read the definition of social function review is “to critique an art work, event for a public audience. Such works of art include movies, TV shows, books, plays, operas, recordings, exbitions, concerts, and bullets.” Here, we can find the keyword, “to critique an art work.”
Here, the title of our text is “Twilight”. The “Twilight” here is about book, because “Twilight” was published in 2005 and the number of pages : 434. So, we can limit the definition become, “to critique an art work of book.”
In our text, paragraph that show the critique an art work of book is on first, third, and fifth paragraph. Let’s see in paragraph one, on second sentence. “Forget any vampire romance you have read before,…” here, we can find a clue on the word “read”. “…Twilight is so unique it is almost like it’s own genre.” This second sentence tells us about the uniqueness. And then, let us connect it with the next sentence. “The book is marketed at Young Adult readers…” here, we can find the second clue at the beginning of sentence on the word “The book”. “…. but it has the ability to cross age barriers and will satisfy both teenagers and adults alike.” The third sentence tells us about the excess of this book for readers. Next, let us connect the first and the second clue. “read” and “The book” has a close relationship. So, it paragraph can show us, this is include the critique an art work of book.
Then, let’s see in paragraph three. The first sentence prove that the text is about book. Because there is a clue on the word, “..beautifully written.” And the second sentence tells us about the author’s success of description the story. So, it paragraph can show us, this is include the critique an art work of book.
Next, let’s see in paragraph five. The second sentence prove that the text is about book. Because there is a clue on the word, “The book..” . The last sentence tells us about the excess of this book for readers. So, it paragraph can show us, this is include the critique an art work of book.
Mention before, on paragraph one, three, and five, there are many sentence that show us, the critique an art work of book.
So, it can be proved to the genre of this text is review text.
And, because the social function the text under the title “Twilight” is clear the have been discuss in social function section, well, that’s all and thank you very much for your nice attention.
And return to the moderator.

Naah, udah tau kan bagaimana itu social function. Ingat, jangan menyerah, tetep semangat belajar ya. Oke? See yaa ;)

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